life coach rona 16 10 16 tune in 1


What’s going on in politics today is not to be believed...yet here we are. It is disheartening on many levels.

I am observing that when I am tuned into the news my signal to peace and happiness gets scrambled. The static drains my energy, fuels angst, and throws me off center. This is not conducive to joy and well-being.

Here are simple things we can do to help us tune into ourselves and find our signal back to happiness:

- Journal about that for which we are grateful.
- Practice conscious acts of kindness.
- Walk in nature.
- Spend time and BE with family–with your whole “Being”–not just
your body.
- Think about and focus on what you want in your life (not what you
don’t want) and take one tiny step in the direction of your dreams.
- Learn something new.
- Read a book, or listen to music that inspires.
- Meditate.
- Consume less–create more!

These small actions won’t change the political climate, but they will help us adjust our internal climate so that we can be a reflection of what’s good in our world.

Tune in, adjust your frequency, and broadcast happiness today!



life coach rona 16 10 09 babies


On Thursday, I began Week 1 of a workshop series I created on Cultivating Happiness. I am continually amazed at how quickly people in a room can bond when given the permission to be themselves.

When we are being ourselves–our True Selves, the one beneath our social masks–we share our vulnerabilities, struggles, and deepest desires. Beneath our social masks lies our humanity: the composite of our fears, feelings of inadequacy, hopes, and biggest dreams.

Regardless of gender, race, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomics, life stage, life experience, or beliefs, we are all the same. We are a family, bonded by our common desire to avoid pain and increase our happiness.

When we get too attached to our masks we lose connection to this basic humanity within us all. We lose touch with our human family and we begin to feel separate and different from others. This causes an undercurrent of pain in our lives.

We are happiest when we feel connected.

Experiment with dropping your mask from time to time and showing up in the world as your True Self. Commit to remembering that beneath the veneer, your fellow human is no different than you. As you do this, your compassion expands and you experience a deeper connection to those around you.

Here is to showing up as our True Selves, expanding compassion and connection, and waking up to the love of our one, big, human family!


life coach rona 16 10 02 drawing stillness 1


Loving this cloudy Sunday morning. Peaceful. Family sleeping. In this moment all is well.

I have meditated and now I am journaling...there is no place to hurry to, no homework assignment to get done, no meal to make, no start of school, no coaching calls, no guests to prepare for, laundry is in the machine, dogs have been fed and are by my side...

This moment is SWEET!

But without this ritual of stillness in the morning, this moment would pass me by. Without this ritual of stillness first, I would be busy processing email, reading blogs, scanning social media, looking at heartening dog rescue videos, or being inspired by someone else’s journey.

Taking some time to plug into my inside world before plugging into my outside world grounds me. It brings my awareness to the miracle of my beating heart, the blood coursing through my body, and my precious breath. Amidst this wonder, I am connected to something bigger than my rampant thoughts and busy life. I am expanded.

Now, I may read a book or my favorite blog, surf the internet, or look at silly cat videos. As I do so, I will be better able to savor these small experiences because I have quieted my mind and I am grounded in the peace and gratitude that stillness can bring. –I will be able to more fully appreciate this next moment and all the little moments of my day.

Life is sweetest in the moment. I hope you enjoy some sweetness today!